About the Wilson Greenhouse
The Wilson Greenhouse was establish about four years ago when the school got an uplift. The school was old and in need of some renovations and so they got one, the architects in charge had and idea to make Wilson the model school for other District of Columbia Public School (DCPS) schools to follow. Woodrow Wilson High school has a number of green adaptations to make it unique, special, and all so GREEN. Like having solar panels on our roofs , means of collecting rain water to flush out the toilets, number of the furniture's were repurposed, and a number of our hallway floors are made out of recycled glass, the windows are double pane windows with argon and other gases to trap the heat/cold to prevent from overworking our Ventilation Systems(Heating&Cool System). The whole purpose of having all of these green measures implemented is to maintain our carbon footprint low and also cut the bills.
The Greenhouse was built as and extension to the Environmental Science class, its literally connected to the classroom. Last year The Office of the State Superintendent of Education (OSSE) and DC Greens partnered and brought an experienced young professional Kate Lee to run the program but the blistering winter cut her stay short. The pipe that ran water to the Greenhouse burst during the week of Thanksgiving and complicated things, where we had to manually water the plants for about one or two month straight and Kate had to come during the weekend and water the plants before they dried out. Her boss we're conflicted because they knew she was doing amazing work at Wilson but when they weigh the amount of money in overtime she had accumulated they start to lean toward the program termination but they weren't certain, then later they would find out that The Office of the State Superintendent of Education will be renewing the grant and terminating their partnership. So they also decide to terminate the program at Wilson due to lack of funds and logistics problems, also during spring break everything dried up.
Before Kate ended the program she email us all for a mandatory mini-meeting where she told us the news, a number of the participants were confused because we were making progress and things were growing and we were delivering what we promise to the schools we partner with so we all decide to make the program into a student run and operated program with the limited help of school staff and administration.
Right now we have everything up and running, we pressured the school maintenance staff to repair the water problem and they did. So now we have an Aquaponics System and we're back growing seedlings.
We are proud be a part of the Green and member of the Wilson Community!
The Greenhouse was built as and extension to the Environmental Science class, its literally connected to the classroom. Last year The Office of the State Superintendent of Education (OSSE) and DC Greens partnered and brought an experienced young professional Kate Lee to run the program but the blistering winter cut her stay short. The pipe that ran water to the Greenhouse burst during the week of Thanksgiving and complicated things, where we had to manually water the plants for about one or two month straight and Kate had to come during the weekend and water the plants before they dried out. Her boss we're conflicted because they knew she was doing amazing work at Wilson but when they weigh the amount of money in overtime she had accumulated they start to lean toward the program termination but they weren't certain, then later they would find out that The Office of the State Superintendent of Education will be renewing the grant and terminating their partnership. So they also decide to terminate the program at Wilson due to lack of funds and logistics problems, also during spring break everything dried up.
Before Kate ended the program she email us all for a mandatory mini-meeting where she told us the news, a number of the participants were confused because we were making progress and things were growing and we were delivering what we promise to the schools we partner with so we all decide to make the program into a student run and operated program with the limited help of school staff and administration.
Right now we have everything up and running, we pressured the school maintenance staff to repair the water problem and they did. So now we have an Aquaponics System and we're back growing seedlings.
We are proud be a part of the Green and member of the Wilson Community!
Where Are We Located
Woodrow Wilson High School
3950 Chesapeake St NW, Washington, DC 20016 (202) 282-0120 wilsonhs.org The school is located near the American University Campus in Tenleytown DC, Its metro accessible. It literally located like 2 minutes away from the Tenleytown Metro station.